Using Sum & Inject

Joy Evans
2 min readSep 7, 2021
Photo by Najla Cam on Unsplash

Recently I solved a problem on HackerRank requiring that I calculate and print the sum of the elements in an array. One way of getting the answer would be using each like below:

a = [1, 2, 3]sum = 0
a.each do |i|sum += iendsum=> 6

Considering that the elements inside the array above aren’t complicated, the code snippet can be shortened to a more simplistic level by using these methods: sum or inject .


According to, this method returns the sum of elements in an enumerable. It continues to say that if a block is given, it is applied to each element before addition. The syntax goes as follows:

enumerable.sum { | obj| block }

So if we use the example from earlier, it should look like this:

a.sum { |i| sum + i }=> 6

As you can see, it looks so much cleaner and of course, you still get the same result.


According to, this method combines all the elements of the enumerable by applying binary operations, such as +, —, *, and / . It is then specified by either a block or symbol that names a method or operator. The syntax goes as follows:

enumerable.inject (inital_value) { |result, obj| block }

So if we again use the example above, it should look like this:

a.inject { |sum, i| sum + i }=> 6

Yet again, we have cleaner code by using another built-in method.



Joy Evans

Software Engineer | C# | Angular | Ruby on Rails | Javascript | React