Prompts with Case and If Statements

Joy Evans
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2021


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

So over the weekend, I had a random idea come to mind while waiting in the car for my brother. I wanted to input responses that would be given a response based on the input. It sounds simple enough, plus it’ll give me a chance to create something fun over the weekend. So let’s break this down. I’ll be discussing getsmethods and if/ casestatements while providing examples. Below are examples for each option, but always feel free and test them on your irb because, like one of my instructors always says, “Testing is free.”

gets methods

So first things first. Let’s prompt our program to get the user input. There are three options for gets methods, and they include gets , gets.chomp , and gets.strip . Simply using gets will return the input; however, as you see below, it’ll move everything after the string interpolation to a new line which can affect my conditional statements. This is happening because when you hit enter, it creates a new-line character known as /n .

print "Hi, what's your name? "name = getsprint "Hi! Welcome #{name.capitalize}!"// Hi, what's your name? joy
// Hi! Welcome Joy

Demanding on your intentions, this may not be such a big deal, but if it is, then switching to gets.chomp or gets.strip would be more useful. When using gets.chomp , you don’t have to worry about a newline but white space. gets.strip however, it eliminates both the white space and newlines.

//gets.chomp methodprint "Hi, what's your name? "name = gets.chompprint "Hi! Welcome #{name.capitalize}!"// Hi, what's your name? joy 
// Hi! Welcome Joy !
//gets.strip methodprint "Hi, what's your name? "name = gets.stripprint "Hi! Welcome #{name.capitalize}!"// Hi, what's your name? joy
// Hi! Welcome Joy!

if / case statements

To add another layer of complexity to the situation, I want ruby to print back a specific response to the given input. This is were if statements enter the picture. When used with operators like ==, !=, <=, >=, <, >, ||, && you can set up conditionals. These structures also use the following reserved words: if, else, elsif, and end.

print "Hi, what's your name? "name = gets.stripif name.downcase == "joy"print "Welcome back #{name.capitalize}! How's it going?"elseprint "Hi! Welcome #{name.capitalize}!"end

Sometimes if statements may not always be the best option for your situation. Luckily for you case Statements are another option to fall back on. There are three components to a case statement: case , when , and else. Personally, I prefer use case statements because it helps your code become more readable and cleaner.

print "Hi, what's your name? "name = gets.stripcase namewhen "joy"print "Welcome Back! How's it going?"elseprint "Hi! Welcome #{name.capitalize}!"end

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Joy Evans
Nerd For Tech

Software Engineer | C# | Angular | Ruby on Rails | Javascript | React